jueves, 19 de agosto de 2010

Invisible light

Radio Wave:are the longest waves of the electromagnetic spectrum .

Microwave:is a short wave radio wavs water in food absolut microwavereadily microwave are short wave radio waves.
Infrared light:means just beyond red


XRAYS:the shorter wavelenght of the spectrum xrays and gammarays .

introdoction:the xrats have a greatpenetring power.

What Matter Is Made Of

Element : A basic building block of matter, apure susbtance that cannot be broken down into anything simpler

Compound : Achmical conbination of two or more elmnts into a single substance


Atom: The smallst unit of an elment that still has the propertis of th elmnt .

Proton : Aparticle with a positive charg in the nuclous of an atom
Neutron : An uncharged particle in th nucleous  of an atom

Elctron. A particle with a ngative charge moving around the nuclous of an atom.

Nucleous: The dense center part of an atom.

Molecule: A group of more than one atom joined together that acts like a single particle .


The atom ar made of protons neutron and electron .

miércoles, 18 de agosto de 2010


Mass: The amount of matter in and object

Volume: The amount of space and object take up

Weight (on earth): measure of the force gravity between earth and object

Density: A measure of  jow tightly tacked matter is amount of mass contain in a given volume

Buoyancy: The upward push on and object by the liquid (orgas) the object is place in

Conduct: Allow heat or electricity to flow through readiny

Insulate: Hot allow heat or electricity to flow through readilyng

martes, 17 de agosto de 2010

Light and Mirrors

Bioluminescence: Light produced by living organisms

Light Ray: A straight - line beam of light as it travels outward from is source

Law of Reflection: The angle of as incoming light ray equals the angle of the reflected ray

Cocave Mirror: A mirror that curves in on the shiny side

Convex Mirror: A mirror that curves out on the shiny side

Ligths and Lenses

Opaque: Completely blocking light from passin through

Tranparet: Letting all ligfht trought, so that objects on the other side can be seen clearly

Traslucent: Letting only some light through, so that objects on the other side appear blurry

Polarization: Allowing ligth vibrations to pass through in only one direction

Refraction: The bending on the light rays as the pass from one substance into another

Convex Lens: A lens that curve outward ( is thicker at the middle than at the edgeds) and brings light ray together

Concave Lens: A lens that curves inward ( is thicker at the edges than at the middle) and spreads ligth rays apart.